Thursday, April 29, 2010


I have decided to give myself a food challenge. I will spend the next month eating (for the most part) only what is currently in my kitchen. I have made this decision for a few reasons:

  1. I have been eating way too much fast food lately, which is bad for me and bad for my budget.
  2. I am planning to move far away as soon as I finish with school (mid-to-late-June, most likely), and I have a LOT of food in my freezer that needs to be used before I move.
  3. I need to reign in my spending overall.

The second point does not refer to pre-made frozen meals. No, what I've got in my freezer is a lot of meat, especially chicken, quite a bit of zucchini and peach slices I froze last summer, and many other odds and ends. Not everything in there will be edible; some has been in there long enough to be quite freezer-burned by now, I expect. In my cupboards, I have a lot of rice and beans. I know how to make my own bread and pasta (and am learning to make tortillas), so hopefully I have enough flour for all of those items for the next month.

I qualified my goal by saying "for the most part", because I know that the milk I currently have will not last an entire month, and even for the sake of a challenge I cannot make myself use dried milk powder for everything. In order to allow myself to buy fresh dairy and produce as needed, I have purchased a $20 gift card to one of the nearby grocery stores. Not the closest one, the one whose cheddar cheese I like the best. I've got my priorities. However, for the next month, that $20 is all I will be allowed to spend on food.

Because I know that being held accountable for goals is the best way to make sure I keep them, I am keeping a record of what I eat and spend. And naturally, I am doing so in a publicly searchable blog. Hey, that's how these things work in these days of the internet, right? Also, although this challenge is more for tightening the belt on my wallet than on myself, I think I will also log calorie and fat content (as available), just because.

Right. I'm ready for this. I think.

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